Thursday 1 December 2011

catching up :)

I havent blogged in ages!.. which is very un like me because since TY has started all i want to so when i enter the computor room is blog! which is kinda bad because it distracts you from 'actual schoolwork' ahh well :)
What have i been doing lately..well

Monday i spent the whole day in the hall painting the backdrop for the musical, was pretty fun actually, just listening to tunes in the hall and painting. My dream day :)  altough wasnt so good when i got home and realised i was covered in paint, that didnt come off very easy!

Ive been baking :) italian cookies :D yuum.. thats home ec for ye!

Ive been working hard for the musical, its in less than a week and we still have to get a few more things for wardrobe but hopefully making a move on it! because from now on were going to have non-stop rehersals (dress rehersals) which is kinda scarey cause that means its all up to us now :S ahhh!  but well get everything done in time and it will be great :D

tomorrow! we are going to a ballet show, that should be good :) i heard ballet was supposed to be a great show to watch so hopefully we dont all fall asleep like the opera :) and if the bus is as good as it was for the opera, well than that will just make my day :D

umm..prettty sure thats it, probaly should be getting a move on with the whole studying for the 4 tests we have -.- but sure that can wait :D cause were in TY..wooo! :)

well im going to go and finish my geography
Hopefully i shall blog soon, Rebecca  xoxo