Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Educating Essex..

After not winning the fun run, boo hoo banba! although we have been told to say 'well done' because we dont want to be as competetive as everyone is saying :L
anyways..after not winning the fun run ms.leahy popped on EDUCATING ESSEX! what a show, its funny to see how other schools worked and the problems that go on in schools and nobody really knows about them.
This is one of those 'keep your teacher happy' blogs :L because ms.leahy said we could watch it only if we blogged, so here it goes :) I found the programme great and yeah bullying is bad..i have LOOADS of notes about it in my folder :D so its all goood :) right, im off to do more fun blogs (:
Lates ;)
R x
ohh and ive started the whole different colour thing, make it more eventful ;D
xoxo - sorry for asking again ash  ;)

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